• Two reasons why you might want to have the palm tree on your property cut down

    If you have a palm tree on your property, it might be a good idea to have it cut down by a palm tree removalist. Read on to find out why. The fruit it bears could damage your property or injure you If your palm tree produces coconuts, it is definitely worth having it removed. The reason for this is as follows; when a coconut on the branch of a palm tree becomes fully ripened, it will usually fall to the ground.
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  • Limbing up an Evergreen: Could I Remove the Lower Branches of My Evergreen Tree?

    Conifers such as the Norway spruce and the eastern white pine are worthy additions to any yard. When planted strategically, they offer a home privacy and shade. They also make great noise barriers. However, when mature, some conifer species take up substantial space. For example, a mature white spruce could have a width of approximately 3-6 metres. Wide Conifers Take up Space The problem with conifers that grow to at least several metres wide is that they require a lot of space.
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  • Why You Need to Actively Prune and Trim the Trees in Your Back Garden

    If you are lucky enough to have an extensive back garden with a lot of plants and a selection of mature and growing trees, you will be able to enjoy a living and breathing environment for years ahead. Every property owner in this situation owes a duty of care to the environment by looking after this magnificent foliage. Remember also that trees (in particular) are crucial to survival, as they absorb carbon dioxide and other harmful gases.
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  • Remove That Tree or Give It TLC? How Crown Lifting Can Help

    Trees are beautiful features in any garden, and if you're lucky enough to have a mature tree in your backyard, its impact on the landscape is such that it can dramatically improve the entire look of your outdoor space. Until it doesn't. The problem is, as naturally growing plants, you can't plan exactly how a tree will grow, which can lead to problems. Factors such as blocked views, restricted sunlight and hazardous branches could have you considering removing a tree entirely, but that only needs to be a last resort.
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  • Removing a tree yourself? Follow these vital safety tips.

    If you have a tree that is too close to your home or is dying and you want it out of your yard, you might be considering cutting it down yourself. This is possible to do in many cases, but you need to keep your safety in mind at all times. Here are some ways to remove a tree from your yard the safe way. Stay Away From the Power Lines
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  • 3 Common Tree Diseases in Australia

    Tree disease can lead to deterioration, disfiguration and death, something that could have a huge impact on your landscape. Calling in a tree specialist is often the only solution. A professional can optimise the health of your landscape and remove infected trees to stop the disease from spreading. Here are three common diseases that affect trees in Australia and the symptoms to watch out for.    1. Pink disease Stem canker — a disease characterised by fungus on tree stems and twigs — can be caused by Erythricium salmonicolor, an organism that produces a tree condition called pink disease.
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  • Simple ways to overhaul your garden

    Most people like the idea of having a beautiful garden in which to entertain guests on summer evenings, and lounge about in on warm sunny mornings. However, not everyone has the time or the inclination to devote hours of their week to tending to their garden. The good news is that creating and maintaining an aesthetically-pleasing outdoor space doesn't require as much time and effort as you may think. Here, we share a few easy ways to spruce up your garden.
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  • Stumped: How to Remove a Tree Using a Chainsaw

    There are two methods which can be used to fell a tree. You can either use an axe or handsaw along with some brute force, or you can use a chainsaw. A chainsaw will complete the job with greater speed and less effort than swinging an axe all afternoon. However, if the proper techniques are not used, chainsaws and falling trees can present a serious hazard. Preparation Before you fire up the chainsaw, you should take a good look at the tree in question.
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  • A Thorny Issue: Why And How You Should Remove Honey Locust Trees From Your Land

    It's common knowledge that the Australian ecosystem suffers great damage at the hands of invasive species, and exotic flora and fauna can cause serious environmental damage if allowed to grow on your land. One of the most damaging invasive species we have is an unassuming and rather attractive tree called the honey locust, but despite the havoc it can wreak it is often allowed to grow freely, and is even cultivated for fodder by some.
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  • Pruning Your Trees and Shrubs

    If you enjoy having trees and shrubs growing on your land, a good tree services consultant should be an important regular visitor to your property.  Your tree services contractor will be best equipped to prune very large, mature trees and bushes for you, but you can maintain smaller specimens yourself by following these helpful tips. Why is correct pruning important? There are a number of reasons why pruning trees and shrubs is necessary.
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